If you’re reading this, it’s because you want to Get Online, Grow Visibility, Gain Market Share or a combination of all three. These are the three outcomes achieved by businesses like you that work with More Than Venice.

How do we do it? More Than Venice’s Get Grow Gain MethodologyTM forms a strategic approach flexible enough to support an organisation of any size.
All of our marketing services fall into at least one of those categories and we’re able to assist you wherever you are in your journey. So let’s see how the More Than Venice marketing method works.
Get Online
The first and foundational step is to Get Online. A lot of companies don’t have their own online presence yet, but the importance of owning your own corner of the internet grows each day.
For a long time, the internet has been the first place most people go for research and to make purchases. However, there are many small shops, restaurants and pubs that still don’t have a website. Now is the time to fix that.
Some companies are partially online and have a Facebook page which they refer to as their website. In this instance, you own neither the page, nor the audience; Facebook does. Your content, audience and the hard work you put into building it can be gone in seconds. Without warning.
Especially for businesses in the hospitality industry, having your own website and growing your email audience is the minimum. This is the first step in your marketing strategy.
Grow Visibility
To Grow Visibility means being seen in the market. You already have a website, but now you want to get your message to more people. It’s time to get more visitors and more leads from your website.
Exactly what this looks like depends on your organisation type and size. Developing a strategy to grow your visibility includes:
Factors on your website that you can control completely
- Improving the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) of your website
- Improving the User Experience (UX) of visitors
- For e-commerce, UX includes Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)
These are steps of constant improvement. It’s not something that can be done once and forgotten about, they require constant attention and tweaking to continue yielding great results.
Factors not on your website that you can’t fully control
- Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
- Advertising on search engines, social media, etc.
- Advertising with billboards, flyers, TV, radio, mail campaigns, etc.
Not all organisations need or have the resources to use all of the options listed above and this is where having a marketing consultant to advise you on the most effective strategy is vital.
It’s always best to start with the factors in your control. There must be a basic level of SEO and UX present before employing other tactics like pay per click (PPC) advertising on social media or on a SERP.
Still, there is a balance that must be found. Often, driving PPC traffic is needed in the short term to increase sales while your on-site factors begin to take effect. Far from being a magic bullet, every situation is different and so every strategy must be different, taking into account factors such a budget and organisation size.
Gain Market Share
At the tip of the spear is Gain Market Share. You are now in a position where you’re well-known and start to increase your market share using your website as the hub. Once there is a foundation and strategy in place to grow visibility, gaining market share starts to come naturally.
The one thing all businesses need to do is grow their market share no matter what size they are.
Services from More Than Venice that help you Gain Market Share focus on constant incremental improvement of SEO, UX and CRO. Advertising tactics move from basic to advanced with higher volumes because you have a website proven to convert with decent traffic.
A great marketing strategy can now reach even deeper than before. It’s now essential to ensure your offline business processes are integrated with what you’re doing on your website. If you manufacture and distribute a product, for example, do you have a streamlined back-end process that integrates with your online ordering system? Is your operations manager/director ready for the flood of sales you’re about to get? How about procurement and HR?
Services that help you Gain Market Share are where you will see the greatest benefit to your business, but they can only be effective once Get and Grow strategies have been implemented.
Get Grow Gain Today
Companies large and small just like yours need a great website and effective marketing strategy to reach their full potential.
More Than Venice is here to help you take control and ownership of your content, database of customers and path to excellence in your industry.
Check out which services would suit you, or give us a call on +44 (0)121 517 0108 for a free consultation.