Drive business growth by growing the visibility of your business among your target audience. Developing a strategy around SEO, Content Marketing and Social Media is the best way to get your business on the map.

Benefits of Growing Visibility
Brand visibility is essential for every business that wants to grow. You need to get in front of as many people in your target audience as possible to feed your lead generation pipeline, building great brand awareness along the way.
Lead generation consumes a lot of time and resources for your sales team to convince and convert prospects. I’m sure you’ve herd them complaining about receiving unqualified leads, but what if you could deliver warm, qualified leads to them?
Making sure prospects have at minimum seen your brand and are familiar with it, gets over the hurdle of introducing your company. Far from pushing people into working with you, you’ll attract them naturally.
Delivering information about your products, services and service levels on your website encourages prospects to contact your sales team of their own volition. Warm leads are always easier to convert than cold leads. When you Grow Visibility using SEO and social media, you can create thousands of warm leads.
Increasing Your Brand’s Visibility
More Than Venice focuses on strategies that increase visibility in search engines, known by many as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). If your aim is to get your business seen more and increase the amount of targeted traffic coming to your website, an effective SEO strategy is the key.
Developing an SEO strategy to increase visibility for searches that are aimed at different parts of the sales funnel is a tried and tested way to get results. A great SEO strategy will include technical on-page SEO, creating great content, researching future keyword opportunities and promoting your content on social media.
On-Page SEO
Often overlooked, it’s important to make sure pages not only look good, but are coded well and don’t take an excessive amount of time to load. It’s equally important to make sure pages can actually be found and added to search engines.
Some websites look amazing. Load them up on your computer and all the bells and whistles will have you drooling. Try to load them on your mobile phone and everything is misaligned, too big and doesn’t work as it should.
Websites that work well on a desktop or laptop, but provide a terrible experience on mobile phones and tablets will find it much more difficult to compete with properly optimised websites. Although they can’t see in the same way that we do, search engine robots can read the code behind our websites and understand if they will be formatted correctly or not.
Then, there is the structure of your website. If your website’s structure makes it more difficult for search engines to move around, that will have a negative effect on the number of your pages they will list in their results. The cause can be down to a poor menu that doesn’t help people, and by extension the search engines, find your most important pages.
Pages may also be hard to find because links pointing to them are incorrect, resulting in a 404 page not found error. There are different ways these problems could be fixed such as updating the link, removing the link, or creating a new piece of content for the link if it’s important.
Your whole website may appear blank because and are not seen as the same location by a search engine robot or even a human typing your name into the search bar rather than clicking a link. In this case, there should be a redirect from one version www to non-www (your site typed without ‘www’) or vice versa, but we’ve found such a redirect to be absent on several occasions.
Looking at and improving areas like this should be the first step you take to growing visibility, because they’re things completely within your control. Improving the things you control really amplifies the hard work you do promoting your website across the internet.
Website Content
Website content includes everything on your website. Content comes in many forms, such as videos, graphics, social media posts and of course, written blog posts. The content is there to attract the right prospects and having a mix of content types give you the best chance to do that.
The copy, also known as words on the page, of your main website pages must be compelling and combined with relevant images, videos and calls to action to be most effective. These are the main pages representing the products and services you provide that will appear on the first page of search engines. The higher you get them to rank on a search engine’s results page, the more visibility your business has and the more visitors you will receive.
A universally accepted way to increase rankings in search is to start a blog. Creating quality content regularly, will help your website rank well in search engines. Don’t get it confused; continually creating content for the sake of it will not help you Grow Visibility for targeted traffic. If the blog posts are irrelevant and you don’t improve on-page optimisation, you’ll see little to no benefit.
Content Marketing is the act of creating things such as blog posts, videos, graphics and audio that satisfy a visitors need to answer a question, build their knowledge or gain an introduction to a subject. If creating a blog is part of your strategy to Grow Visibility, the pages you create with it should be targeted to your audience with the intention of helping them do just that.
Although the written word is well established as the most popular form of content, don’t neglect the opportunities presented by images, audio and video. If you have a weekly podcast, for example, you could host the episodes on your website complete with transcripts, guest images and profiles.
As the internet grows in speed and efficiency, it’s possible to enjoy an increasingly diverse array of content. We now have the choice to enjoy content in the format we prefer, it’s increasingly important for you to give your prospects what they want in the format they want it.
Social Media
Social media is a great way to distribute your content and keep your business in the minds of your prospects. When they’re ready to buy, they’ll remember you and get in touch with your sales team.
What makes social media so amazing is the fact you can both publish content from your website organically and publish adverts targeted to specific audiences including location, age, industry and even salary range.
Over time, the number of people you can expect to reach without paying for advertising on social media campaigns goes down. This is one reason not to rely completely on a social media platform as your only way to Grow Visibility and your customer base.
Getting your content in front of as many eyeballs as possible is good, but even better is the social aspect of social media. Usually, people that follow your account are there because they are interested in your business. Instead of spamming thousands of people with content they aren’t interested in, the content is targeted to your audience.
The social side of social media also means putting your best foot forward as a business. Engage with people who are looking for help and amplify content from other creators who aren’t your competitors. Be helpful on social media, showing people what type of company you are, and your visibility is sure to grow along with your following.
As your following grows, website traffic will increase and people will to view you as an authority in increasing numbers. Your brand will gain mentions on other websites, links from other websites and your visibility on search engines will increase too.
Start Growing Visibility
The path to Grow Visibility is a long one and requires a good strategy, plus hard work, plus patience. You can get started by taking a look at our services page or giving us a call to talk about your objectives.
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